Get answers from veterinarians 24/7
What’s included:
Unlimited conversations with Vets
Connect with a certified vet in minutes. No waiting days for appointments. No confusing explanations. No hidden fees.
Covering all types of pets
Dogs, cats, birds, horses, reptiles, fish and more: our network of veterinarians can help solve any pet problem—now.
For your entire family
Share your membership with your partner, parents, and immediate family to keep every pet safe and protected.
At any hour
A team of vets is on call for you and your family 24/7. Even on holidays. Because emergencies can be unpredictable.
Hundreds of highly rated, certified veterinarians
When you can’t afford to be wrong
A lack of expertise with proper care can cost you and your pet dearly. Don't chance your pet's health by delaying treatment or sift through thousands of Google search results on your own.
When you can't afford to be wrong, let the veterinarians on LivePetHelp help you get it right.